The comprehensive basic work follows the new Official Spelling Rules.The 25th edition of the Duden - German spelling dictionary contains spelling, word division and rules dated August, 2009, obligatory for all schools and authorities. The new Duden presents contemporary vocabulary of the German language so fully as never before. Duden recommendations ("Duden-Empfehlungen") are new for this edition and prescribe the right spelling in such disputable cases as "Saxofon" or "Saxophon"? In all the cases, where the new Official Rules permit several variants of spelling, Duden gives a recommendation, which is marked yellow. These recommendations should be looked upon as suggestion and help in word choice for the workers of mass media, enterprises, publishing houses, editorial staffs and all the private persons, who attach importance to common orthography. In case of several permissible variants of spelling Duden marks its recommendations yellow.
Dictionary Details:
• Over 135,000 keywords;
• 5,000 new words, e.g. "Internettelefonie" "kleinreden", "Publikumsjoker", "Sudoku", "Telenovela", "USB-Stick" etc.;
• Over 500,000 examples, meaning explanations and information about word division, pronunciation, grammar, etymology, and style leave no open questions;
• Sound Module provided by ARD databank contains 9,000 German pronunciation samples of difficult words.
• Duden provides several acceptable spellings where possible.
• Look up unfamiliar words directly from the home screen! Duden dictionary provides translations in a Quick Search Box alongside other search results.*
• Listen to correct pronunciation of the difficult words with built-in German Sound Module provided by ARD databank, containing audio samples pre-recorded by native speakers; with sound module you won’t hesitate how to pronounce such words like Ayurveda, Baht, Micropayment, Nonprofitunternehmen, Telenovela, volatil, Weblog etc., and will learn about pronunciation variants in such disputable cases as Audit and Magenta;
• Use Fuzzy Search in case of misspelling. Just enter a wrong variant and get a list of similar words.
• Find the word even if you don’t know its exact spelling using Wildcard Search (use “?” and “*” symbols to replace the missing letters).
• Integrate Duden dictionary with the Flash Cards application and quiz yourself with words you have added from the dictionary.
• Study the language in the easiest and most effective way using Harrap’s dictionary. Test yourself with a Word of the day widget on your Home screen. A random entry from the dictionary is changed daily.**
• Dictionary installation on memory cards.
• Hyperlinks between related articles and directions.
• Search History feature shows the last 20 words looked up.
• No Internet connection required: simply download the dictionary to your device and use it with no further expense incurred.
• Multilingual interface available in English and German languages.
* To turn on this option, install Duden dictionary. Then go to Menu->Settings->Search->Searchable items and mark Duden dictionary.
** Words from your Flash Cards are demonstrated more frequently if Flash Cards application is installed on the device.
About Paragon
Paragon Software Group is the leading developer of multi-platform software applications for smartphones and desktop computers. Our product portfolio includes over 120 Multilingual Dictionaries (for 30+ languages and all possible language pair combinations) with databases by the world’s leading publishing houses such as Merriam-Webster, Collins, Duden, PONS, Van Dale, VOX, etc.
For more information visit
tags: duden, german, spelling, paragon, dictionary, reference, translate, language
Android OS Requirements
1.5 and up
What's in this version:
- minor bugs fixed
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Duden - Die deutsche Rechtschreibung Version 2.1.17
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1:40 AM
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Books Reference
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