Konnichiwa! Beeindrucken Sie Ihre Freunde doch einmal mit selbstgemachten, japanischem Essen, wie z.B. Sushi. Kein Problem mit der iKochen App Japanisch Kochen! Die iKochen Japanisch Kochen App bietet Ihnen 52 der leckersten japanischen Rezepte, schnell und einfach zubereitet. Alle Rezepte sind sorgfältig ausgesucht und getestet und werden mit einem Bild illustriert, das Ihnen das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lässt. Und mit den einfachen Zubereitungsschritten wird das Kochen zum ...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Clayframes Version 2.7
Now you can create smooth stop-motion and time-lapse in minutes, on the move - anywhere.Clayframes is an easy to use utility for making stop-frame animation (or claymation) and time-lapse movies.
*** Currently not working on: HTC MyTouch 4g, Thunderbolt, Desire-Z, CyanogenMod, GingerReal.
Please try before you buy: Clayframes Lite is the free trial version. Please try making a movie with the Clayframes Lite demo app before buying this one to make sure it will work on your device.
Please email ...
Chandroid: /b/rowser Version 6.5.1
CHANDROID: /b/rowser/b/rowse & post to imageboards on the go for epic lulz!
Browse imageboards on Android!
-Thread watching!!!
-Post pictures from gallery or directly from camera
-Browse with ease
-Save/view images in full size
-Highly optimized to reduce load times
-4chan, 7chan, 420chan, 2chan, operatorchan; moar coming!
-Thread archiving, with the option to send archived threads.
-Free upgrades; we are constantly improving this app to keep up with changes to the chans and to better serve ...
MagicHour Version 1.2.2
Magic Hour Camera - You can download unlimited filters for free!!Magic Hour is an app that can transform your ordinary photos to extraordinary ones.
It will give you a fun experience you've never had.
✱ Magic Hour means… ✱
The magic hour is the first and the last hour of sunlight during the day,
when a specific photographic effect is achieved due to the quality of the light.
We put the short moments of Magic Hour that make everything beautiful into our app.
★ Capture the moments of daily ...
Prox Pro Version 1.05.2
Prox: Control your phone without touching itYour phone must have a proximity sensor for this to work! ALL PROXIMITY SENSORS ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL!!! Users with a dual purpose ambient light sensor for proximity usage may have unintended bugs! Please read the entire description as it contains important information!
Follow me on Twitter for updates and support: @SemperGumbee
Prox is a gesture based service that allows you to control certain aspects of your phone without even touching it. ...
Quickoffice Pro Version 4.1.121
Create, Edit and Share Microsoft® Office files!Create, Edit, Access & Share Microsoft® Office files. Buy Today & SAVE 25% during this Limited Time Sale! Recent Updates include PowerPoint editing, footnote/endnote support, faster file loading, and more.
Quickoffice® Pro takes mobile productivity to the next level with this must-have, award-winning productivity suite for Android smartphones. Work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations while conveniently ...
Photaf Version 2.9.5
Easily create a 3D panorama
by utilizing the camera and the orientation sensor.Photaf - The best Android App for creating panoramas
Top 10 Android Photography apps
With Photaf you can create amazing 3D panoramas easily by utilizing the camera and the orientation sensor to know the exact angle each picture was taken.
When done, you can move your phone around to see the complete panoramic view by using the phone's compass or the touch screen.
View Photaf's online panoramas gallery and get tips ...
BlooKid Version 1.0
Retro-style platformer with cute pixelart, chiptune soundtrack and 60 levels!*** ATTENTION ***
This is the first release of Bloo Kid. If you come across any bugs, please consider reporting them to before giving the game a low ranking. Thank you!
*** STORY ***
Help Bloo Kid to rescue his girlfriend from the hands of the evil Wizard in this fancy retro-style "one-screen" platformer. Jump and run your way through 60 action-packed levels spread across five unique worlds.
*** GAMEPLAY ...
Instant Heart Rate - Pro Version 2.0.7
Instant Heart Rate enables you to measure your heart rate with your phone.★ The best Health & Fitness app on Mobile Premier Awards 2011 according to jury of industry experts ★
Instant Heart Rate is the most accurate Heart Rate Monitor app for any smartphone and it does not need any external hardware.
Use it for optimizing your exercise and to track your progress.
Install it now and keep fit.
Accuracy is constantly tested by fitness coaches, nurses, doctors, EMTs and 5 million users like you.
★★★★★ ...
SD Maid - System cleaning tool Version 0.9.6
A maid for your android, to regain precious memory and keep it clean & tidy.THIS APP IS INTENTED FOR ROOTED DEVICES!
Without root functionality is limited.
This is a powerful tool! Use at own risk!
Nobody is perfect and android neither.
Apps you have already deleted sometimes leave data behind.
The system constantly creates logs, crash reports and debug files you don't really need.
The market leaves temporary files of downloaded apps behind.
Lets not go on here...
Why not get a maid to clean ...
Remote Web Desktop Version 5.4.2
The easiest way to remote manage & control your phone in web browserThe best web desktop for Android phone, it provides the easiest way to remote manage & control your phone in web browser, totally support all 3G/WiFi/USB connections.
★ Features
✔ Web SMS: send, read and manage messages in browser. Support long SMS, mass-messages and fake SMS.
✔ File Explorer: manage SD card files and transfer files between phone and computer. Support multiple upload by drag-and-drop ...
Reader HD [Tablet] Version 1.5.3
Reader HD is just another Googe Reader client optimized for Honeycomb tablets. The user interface is inspired by Gmail for Honeycomb and Google Reader web version. It is simple, clean, and clear but full featured.Features:
- Simple, clean and clear user interface inspired by Gmail for Honeycomb and Google Reader web version
- Using built-in Account Manager to authorize (OAuth 2)
- Two working modes: Online and Offline
- Cache images for offline reading (optional)
- 2-way synchronization
- ...
Death Cop - Mechanical Unit Version 1.0.1
A brigade of giant destructors equipped with powerful weapons.On a planet at war, a new brigade of mechanical soldiers was created to fight the attacks from experimental and modified creatures commanded by the enemy forces. They are the last resort of a devastated civilization which struggles to avoid its own extinction. A brigade of giant destructors equipped with powerful weapons designed and devised for the purpose of annihilating the hordes of the enemy. Choose one of the three ...
iSyncr for PC Version 2.5.5
Sync iTunes playlists to your phone, rate your music and create Live Lists!iTunes for Windows required.
Want to stop carrying both your phone and your iPod? Keep your music fresh with smart playlists? iSyncr enables you to quickly sync your Android device with the music you have in iTunes using a straight forward menu. Just plug your phone into your computer, select the iTunes playlists you want, and start syncing.
* No need to move your music into a new music management software. iSyncr ...
Indisch Kochen Version 1.1
Genießen Sie die Würze Indiens mit der iKochen App Indisch Kochen. Die iKochen Indisch Kochen App bietet Ihnen 61 der leckersten indischen Rezepte, schnell und einfach zubereitet. Alle Rezepte sind sorgfältig ausgesucht und getestet und werden mit einem Bild illustriert, das Ihnen das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lässt. Und mit den einfachen Zubereitungsschritten wird das Kochen zum Kinderspiel.
Verwöhnen Sie sich, Ihre Familie und Freunde!Sie haben ein eigenes Lieblingsrezept ...
Chinesisch Kochen Version 1.1
Entdecken Sie die Würze Ostasiens, dank der iKochen App Chinesisch Kochen. Die iKochen Chinesisch Kochen App bietet Ihnen 50 der leckersten chinesischen Rezepte, schnell und einfach zubereitet. Alle Rezepte sind sorgfältig ausgesucht und getestet und werden mit einem Bild illustriert, das Ihnen das Wasser im Munde zusammenlaufen lässt. Und mit den einfachen Zubereitungsschritten wird das Kochen zum Kinderspiel.
Verwöhnen Sie sich, Ihre Familie und Freunde!Sie haben ein eigenes ...